Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Belgian comics stamps for 2012

Belgium is traditionally a bountiful source for stamps with a comics or cartoons theme, but 2012 promises to be an exceptionally good year.  No less than six different issues will probably of interest to the collector.

The main event is slated for september, when a full sheet of nine stamps will be issued, featuring nine important characters from Belgian comics : Jommeke, Cori, Gaston Lagaffe, Nero, Suske en Wiske, Jerry Spring, Blake & Mortimer, the Smurfs, Lucky Luke and, of course, Tintin.  

The other issues include:
  • The annual youth philately issue, featuring imagery by cartoonist Karl Meersman (January)
  • A Visit Belgium tourist issue, with a design by Ever Meulen (February)
  • A 3D stamp commemorating the Titanic disaster, as designed by François Schuiten (April)
  • A stamp celebrating 50 years of independence in Rwanda and Burundi, designed by Gert Dooreman (May)
  • A stamp commemorating the Zenobé Gramme sailing vessel, with artwork by William Vance (September)
All stamps will be available from the BPost website but, as ever, only in due course...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Team Cul de Sac stamp #4 now available

Joe Sutliff's special Hanukah drawing of the Otterloop children and friend scan now be purchased at Zazzle, as of just a few minutes ago. Joe says, "I was baking dreidles for the Sunday school when I had this idea, so I just drew it."

Barbara Dale's TCDS stamp #2 went out on my Christmas cards today.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Team Cul de Sac Zazzle stamps for sale

Barbara Dale's stamp has been revised to lighten it up so you can see Alice better, and David Hagen volunteered his artwork for stamp #3. Collect them all! It's for charity!


Disney on Stamps

I am in the process of starting a Disney on Stamps Study Unit with the American Topical Association. Anyone can join. Membership is free. The society will be online only. At present my Disnemation website has had a few changes made to make it the headquarters of the Disneyana on Stamps Society and once the society is functioning (hopefully by January 2012) a quarterly newsletter will be available for members only. If you are interested check out my website at There is a membership application form on the site, fill it out and email it to me at and you will become a life member. No dues!

Also of interest to Cartoon collectors is the new ATA Handbook of Disney on Stamps due early next year. Every Disney stamp from 1968 to 2011 including postal cards, souvenir stamp sheets, aerograms and of course every single stamp!

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Bill Silvester

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Cartoonist who used postage stamps featured in article

Historicist: Armed with a Felt Pen and a Sense of Humour
Master of the cartoonist's pen but burdened by inner turmoil, George Feyer is a long-neglected mid-century pop culture figure.
By Kevin Plummer
Torontoist December 3 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Gorey's envelope art

Here's a well-illustrated article on the new book on Edward Gorey's envelope art.