Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Belgian comics stamps for 2012

Belgium is traditionally a bountiful source for stamps with a comics or cartoons theme, but 2012 promises to be an exceptionally good year.  No less than six different issues will probably of interest to the collector.

The main event is slated for september, when a full sheet of nine stamps will be issued, featuring nine important characters from Belgian comics : Jommeke, Cori, Gaston Lagaffe, Nero, Suske en Wiske, Jerry Spring, Blake & Mortimer, the Smurfs, Lucky Luke and, of course, Tintin.  

The other issues include:
  • The annual youth philately issue, featuring imagery by cartoonist Karl Meersman (January)
  • A Visit Belgium tourist issue, with a design by Ever Meulen (February)
  • A 3D stamp commemorating the Titanic disaster, as designed by François Schuiten (April)
  • A stamp celebrating 50 years of independence in Rwanda and Burundi, designed by Gert Dooreman (May)
  • A stamp commemorating the Zenobé Gramme sailing vessel, with artwork by William Vance (September)
All stamps will be available from the BPost website but, as ever, only in due course...

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