Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Jean Albano Gallery and the USPS Celebrate Bill Mauldin Stamp

 On April 24th at 1pm:

Jean Albano Gallery and

the United States Postal Service

 Will Celebrate the Release of the New
Bill Mauldin Stamp

Bill Mauldin

 To honor this Chicago newspaper legend and Pulitzer Prize Winner, Jean Albano Gallery will have a special presentation by the US Postal Service as well as short talks by Chicago Sun-Times columnist Neil Steinberg and former Sun-Times Managing News Editor Ralph Otwell.
For questions or more information about this event,
please contact Theresa Murray at or call 312.440.0770
To view other work by Bill Mauldin, click here.
Jean Albano Gallery | 215 W. Superior St. | Chicago | IL | 60654

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Le Bulle d'Encre presents its april stamp

Every month, the French Association du Bulle D'encre publishes a limited edition vanity stamp (using the French Post Office Mon Timbre A Moi service) featuring art by French cartoonists and comic creators.  This month's stamp was created by Jason Dilukeba, creator of the new manga series, Ekeko.and features the illustration used for issue 1 of the book.

The stamp is published in a limited edition of 30 copies, and costs € 2,00.  Previous stamps, are still available in very small numbers from the BDE websiteMembers get a € 0,50 on each stamp (all links in French).